BBL (Broad Band Light) HERO

BBL HERO’s proprietary technology safely and effectively treats aesthetic concerns on every skin type. HERO – 4x Speed – 3x Peak Power – 2x Cooling as the original device for a fast, efficacious, and comfortable treatment. A single pass with the BBL HERO handpiece addresses the skin’s overall appearance, while multiple passes using different wavelengths of light help correct pigmented lesions, skin flushing, and acne and may even result in the appearance of tighter skin.


  • $500 Face
  • $750 Face/Neck or Face/Chest
  • $1,000 Face/Neck/Chest
  • Package of 3 treatments for the face $1,350 (savings of $150)

*A consultation will be required prior to a BBL treatment to ensure skin does not have any active tan*