VI Peel

At Belle, we offer a variety of peels that will target your concerns. For the best results, a series of three VI Peel treatments are recommended 4 to 6 weeks apart. Peeling typically lasts 7 days and results are generally seen within a week once peeling has subsided. However, continued improvement to the skin may be seen even months after a treatment. The VI PEEL has the ability to dramatically improve your skin’s texture regardless of what skin type you have. Made with a unique blend of minerals, salicylic acid, vitamin C, phenol, retinoic acid and TCA, the VI PEEL Facial Peel provides amazing results to those with acne, acne scars, rosacea, melasma, sun damage and hyperpigmentation skin issues. The VI PEEL will help to erase fine lines and wrinkles, as well as shrink enlarged pores while building collagen and elastin to help tighten skin. It is effective in reducing hyperpigmentation issues, such as melasma, which is the most difficult pigmentation problem to treat. Additionally, the VI PEEL yields amazing results for those with acne.

1 Treatment: $350

Series of 3 treatments: $900 (savings of $150)